Fast, Faster, Penny.

I like Penny because she is so fast. She talks fast. She reads fast. She moves fast.

She once started and finished a story before Big Ben was done chiming the noon hour. She once read the whole dictionary in the time it took me to make a pitcher of lemonade. She once beat me by a mile (literally) in a running race.

But she is also fast to say hello to someone new. She is fast to smile at a stranger. And she is fast to ask about your salsa dance lesson from last night (which didn't go as well as I'd hoped).

I'm glad Penny ran across my path.

And I'm glad I ran across yours.


Meet Penny Cochin

She's hard to beat. In anything. Especially running. If she had her way, our wings would be placed on our heals. She has found out there is a city in India called Cochin and now she wants to run there, to find out if that is where she is from. I've told her, "Penny, you can't run across the ocean! You can fly across it, but not run!" She isn't convinced. She likes the beat of a waltz, drinking lemonade with little mint leaves, and leaving really hyper-spazzy messages on her cell phone (which she changes every day). She's got a one-track mind and thinks of life as a race, so that every once in awhile, she'll be flying next to you and then she'll start yelling, "Go! Go! You can finish! You can do it! Dig in! Go hard! Win!!" even though we're just flying from one bakery awning to the next.